Shhhhhh.... It’s a secret!!

Posted on December 19 2016

Shhhhhh.... It’s a secret!!


Secret Santa Christmas


Surprise, surprise! Who doesn’t love a good surprise, especially one on Christmas? Don’t we all? Well, almost all! And, if these surprises come in the form of gifts, it’s the cherry on the cake and not to mention, kids love gifts and cherries and cake.

As Santa Claus and his many elves are working round the clock this time of the year, it’s only fair that like all other years, this year, too, parents will be lending him a helping hand in delivering his prezzies to his most beloved lot. How about we make that same ’beloved lot’ join the ‘Santa’s Helpers’ band wagon as well and rub Christmas’ giving spirit on their little shoulders as well? Christmas is already a time that excites children, involving them into a gift making session should add to the fun.

We at Brainsmith came up with a few ideas that can help you organize the #SecretSanta game for your little ones this year:

  1. Since Secret Santa is ideally an exchange of gifts at Christmas between people of a group without individuals knowing who the presenter of their gift is, first thing would be to calculate the no. of kids who will participate.
  2. Next, assign the respective child her/his Secret Santa. You can do this through a chit system.
  3. Ask your child what they would like to make as a gift for their friend and arrange for the raw material. Here are a few suggestions :
  1. Decide on a common venue and have all the kids bring their crafts along to be a part of a peer activity or you can individually have them prepare the gifts at home. 
  1. Once the gift making process is complete, have the kids gift wrap their creations and on Christmas eve, along with Santa’s other bounty deliver these special bonus prezzies to their intended recipients. 
  1. And, lastly on Christmas day, once all the gifts have been scavenged and inspected by your little persons, have them guess their Secret Santas. 

We hope this’ll be a fun way of teaching your kids the spirit of giving and sharing that’s synonymous with this wonderful festival.

Ho ho ho…Merry Christmas!