Self Care Tips For Mamas

Posted on November 29 2021

Self Care Tips For Mamas

Being a mom is the best experience of our lives and rightly so. But it’s a big step that we take fully aware that our lives will no longer be just ours. We prepare during our pregnancy and birth and the first few years of the child to ensure the child is the sole focus. That’s great but we must not forget that happy parents lead to happy children and taking care of ourselves is probably more important for the well-being of our children. We’re listing down 5 self-care practices that will hopefully help you too.

Quality Time


Spend time with your partner even if it’s at 3 am, while the baby sleeps or is feeding and the house is a mess. It may be difficult to do but make the extra effort to ensure you and your partner get some time talking and laughing because sometimes this is therapeutic in itself.

Ask for help (Don’t shy away)


We know sleep deprivation is real which is why don’t be ashamed or shy to ask for help. Your tribe is who you will need the most once the baby comes so if they want to help, gladly accept. This way they’ll take some work off of your plate and give you time to rest for a little while more.

Rediscover your hobbies


Before we reached this phase in life, there were things we liked to do - listening to music, watching an episode of an all-time favourite show or reading a book. We know it’s difficult to squeeze in time for yourself but some of your hobbies could be done while you’re on the pot, feeding or just lying down waiting to fall asleep. Introspect and include in your routine!

Enjoy the journey


Enjoy motherhood in its entirety and approach this phase of life positively by selectively ignoring everyone else’s journey and being open to your own experiences. Without pre-conceived notions, biases or negative mindsets, this beautiful feeling of bringing a life to this world will be just yours and make it an even more special part of yours and your partner’s lives.

Imperfection is the new Perfect!


Lastly, don’t aim for perfection when it comes to your house, your life, your baby or your relationship. The concept of perfection is subjective and the life that you are currently living is just as perfect as anyone else’s including your messy home, your sleeping baby, your tired self and your quality time with your partner