How Recess Helps Students Learn
Posted on July 08 2022
Why is going to school so important? Some might say it’s because of academics, discipline, networking, etc. And without a doubt, all these factors are true. But, did you know that recess plays an equally important role in school? You read it right! Recess helps in the development of our little ones. The physical activities and social interactions during recess help in proper brain development by reducing stress.
According to a survey conducted by IPEMA (International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association) and The Voice Of Play, Most teachers found positive impacts in students behaviour and improved social interactions when played outside together. Teachers also seem to use recess as a motivator. Post recess, teachers see an improved behaviour in the sense that there is increased attention span, active participation in class, more eagerness to learn, and improved academic performance.
Recess tends to reduce stress in kids. Yes, kids get stressed too. Playing and simply having some free time can increase their productivity and help them concentrate better and learn faster than usual. Kids' minds may wander due to monotonous periods but recess refines their memory. In a way, it also tends to help curb the issue of childhood obesity. It’s obvious that everyone needs exercise, but especially kids because they have the ability to develop activity habits early on that can stick on with them till adulthood.
Social interactions during recess time can lead to social development among little ones that can help them later in life. It helps in engaging leadership and negotiation skills to learn conflict resolution. For example, games have player limits. Hence, kids are forced to decide who gets to play what game. During this time they have the freedom to dictate their own activities. This gives them the opportunity to broaden their views and way of thinking.
In the past, academic professionals have tried to reduce recess time in order to increase classroom/study time. But, the results were not as expected. It was observed that decreasing recess time reduced kids’ performance instead of improving and also reduced their attention span. After a lot of studies and research it has been concluded that recess not only reduces stress and improves physical development, but also improves their concentration level, behavior, encourages independence and inculcates other skills like coordination, decision making, and negotiation. There has been a noticeable improvement in kids’ grades when provided recess. Who knew, in order to improve in class, we sometimes need to get out of it?
Recess has championed a way to not only promote physical development but also improve brain development. Helps them focus better and improve academically. Who knew, little ones actually learn #ThePlayWay !